Learn Eleventy From Scratch could really do with an update

Our Junior developer is currently running through Learn Eleventy From Scratch and I’m chiming in every now and then to help them out.

Thanks to Eleventy being—well—awesome, it runs perfectly for the 2.0 release, even though the course was written before 1.0. The problem, instead, lies with gulp.

Really, the whole course needs to be refactored to better-support new Eleventy stuff, but most importantly, lesson 18 onwards need completely re-writing.

The biggest issues are the Gulp and Sass setups. I don’t even use Sass anymore and we certainly don’t in the studio. This is another worry for me because our Junior has only done normal CSS, so Sass is gonna be confusing as hell for them.

I’m really glad I made the course completely free, but unfortunately, that causes a problem: I just can’t justify investing weeks of time into an update. I haven’t got the bandwidth for it—especially running an agency with billable work. If it was still paid, it would be justifiable and frankly, would already be completely up to date.

I don’t really know what the best course of action is for it. The course has helped so many people—still thousands a month, so it’s really worth investing in still. I guess the ideal situation is some form of sponsorship from a company (hello, Netlify) to fund a chunk of work on it and maybe put some sponsorship assets on there. Or maybe donations?

I dunno. Ideas welcome!

👋 Hello, I’m Andy and this is my little home on the web.

I’m the founder of Set Studio, a creative agency that specialises in building stunning websites that work for everyone and Piccalilli, a publication that will level you up as a front-end developer.

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