How I’m using the fragments of social media now

It’s been over a year since Elon Musk started the process of dismantling Twitter, which has resulted in lots of fragmentation. It’s also resulted in new platforms arriving and some even disappearing (cya later T2/Pebble).

I think I’ve found the perfect balance, which I guess is an evolution of the holy trinity.


For work stuff, Mastodon is where it is at. A lot of the good tech world has seemingly settled there now and thanks to Ivory as my client, I’m really happy there now.

There was a period where Mastodon was definitely giving me the ick, but that seems to be improving now, too. I guess that’s related to there being a lot less policing going on, so if that put you off before, maybe give it another look?

Find me at @[email protected]


This place is where I get my LOLs from. Mastodon is still mostly a humourless void and to be honest, it’s nice to not read about tech stuff too. Bluesky is definitely the place I go when I just wanna scroll and enjoy the posts. In fact, I actively curate my feeds and mute tech stuff to not see it at all on there at all.

There’s a fair bit of Twitter-like drama on there, but it’s also been very useful at keeping up with current affairs ā€” especially the horrendous situation in Gaza.

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I don’t really care for Threads right now, but I feel like in the longer term it could be good for following sports stuff when they improve real-time content. Other than that, it’s unseasoned chicken: bland. There’s way too many brands on there still too.

Find me at @belldotbz


Extremely office-hours only, but I’m getting a little more active there. I still can’t bring myself to read the timeline on there though. Way too much broetry.

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šŸ‘‹ Hello, Iā€™m Andy and this is my little home on the web.

Iā€™m the founder of Set Studio, a creative agency that specialises in building stunning websites that work for everyone and Piccalilli, a publication that will level you up as a front-end developer.

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