28th February 2021 at 08:56

One thing I can’t help but notice is how efficiently I get through Twitter after abstracting it to Feedbin. I’m usually done and dusted with the latest tweets in 10 minutes.

The Feedbin setup gives me back the control too. Tweets no longer feel like they’ll vanish before I get to see them, so naturally, I don’t run straight to Twitter when I grab my phone. I’ll look at other stuff like Dispo and TikTok.

Managing replies and DMs in Front is only helping that too. I just wish I could tweet alt text with images and reply/RT tweets by url. I’d probably never sign in to Twitter again.

It all feels much healthier.

👋 Hello, I’m Andy and I’ll help you build fast & visually stunning websites.

I’m the founder of Set Studio, a creative agency that specialises in building stunning websites that work for everyone. If you’ve got a project in mind, get in touch.

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